Without Caroline, I don't think I'm able to be who I'm today.
With her gentle care and training, Caroline encouraged me for who I am today.
As in me memory lane, I started of working with MAC at Knightbridge, London.
I was just a quiet, happy bunny and crazy 'kampong boy' with all sort freaky hairstyle trying to make it in London as a makeup artiste, very much happy to just settled with MAC as Retail Artiste. Till I met Caroline who was my trainer at the time, who encouraged me to improve my communication skills, makeup technique and how to be a great person in your own way as an artiste. By her showering me with all the latest trend and makeup technique, I am able to worked with some of the top artiste in the world, like Sharon Downsett, Val Garland, Gordon Espinet, Lucia Peroni, Terry Barber..etc etc. By working with all the artiste mentioned earlier, I've got the chance to expose to London Fashion Week and Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week. Amazing experiences and great expose. I valued every minute of it.
Caroline is one of the greatest artiste I've ever met.
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